Cycles, the Sacred and the Doomed Inquiries in Female Health Technologies

作者:Morgane Billuart
出版社:Set Margins
開數:13 x 22 cm開
類別:精選書展 > 國內外文學創作

定價:NTD$ 1000
優惠價:NTD$ 1000
庫存 > 有


Morgane Billuart (1997) is a filmmaker and writer based in Vienna. She graduated from the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam and studied at the cooper union in new york. In the era of digital practices and diy-internet belief, her practice aims to display diverse technological phenomena and dissect their inner structures. Often, she confronts these themes and interests with her gender and existence as a woman in the spaces she investigates and questions how feminist perspectives can help us rethink and criticize the technocratic and digital spheres surrounding us. To explore such topics, she uses diverse mediums, often returning to film-making and writing.


In a world propelled by swift technological progress and perpetual obsolescence, women frequently find themselves adapting and altering their daily experiences in order to remain functional. In the 21st century, as technology purports to comprehensively assess and address women’s conditions and physical discomfort, Cycles, the Sacred and the Doomed delves deeply into the realm of female health technologies, revealing a space where science, holistic methods, and mythology converge. This book challenges the idea of combining ancient wisdom with modern innovation and takes readers on a multidisciplinary journey to explore the intricacies of female’s health.