Home Sickness

作者:Chih-Ying Lay
ISBN/ISSN: 9781773900445
開數:8.5 x 5.5 in.開
類別:精選書展 > 國內外文學創作

定價:NTD$ 550
優惠價:NTD$ 495
庫存 > 有



Born in Taipei, CHIH-YING LAY came to Canada in 2008 to obtain his Ph.D. in Microbiology at McGill University. Stories from his first collection, The Escapist, published in Taiwan in 2008, have been awarded the Formosa Literature Prize and the Liberty Times Literature Prize. He has published a novel, The Ideal Family (2012), and another collection of short fiction, The Comic Lives of Losers (2016). A guest broadcaster both in Taiwan and for Radio Canada International in Montreal, Lay sings in Ensemble Sainte-Anne Singers and Musica Orbium. He works as a senior research scientist in Montreal.

台北人,台大農化系土壤肥料組畢業,加拿大麥基爾大學環境微生物學博士,定居加拿大蒙特婁。小說作品曾獲林榮三文學獎、寶島文學獎以及全國台灣文學營創作獎。曾出版短篇小說集《匿逃者》、《魯蛇人生之諧星路線》以及長篇小說《理想家庭》。《匿逃者》英譯本《Home Sickness》及法譯本《La Libellule Rouge》於2020年及2023年出版。


Connecting is not easy, but proximity is unbearable. The characters in these brilliant and intense stories are longing for escape, but they inevitably find themselves homesick.

Chih-Ying Lay, a Taiwanese-Canadian, explores our desperate need for beauty and belonging–-and the cost when what is found is the opposite of both. Lay’s characters are outsiders, whether queer, indigenous, unloved, or lost, and each discovers that home is not the sanctuary it was meant to be. Sometimes, however, they find a place to call their very own, as if to tell the reader: You can, too.


"Good writers create worlds -- great writers, glittering constellations. Chih-Ying Lay's debut collection makes my head spin. Diamond-hard, harrowing, melancholy, bawdy, erudite, his stories stream with blood, sperm, tears, piss, sweat, passion, loss. A medical student lovingly dissects the body of a dear friend who was a political dissident; a twisted sexual triangle develops between an artist, her nine-year-old son, and a day labourer; a young man whose mother is in chemo develops sympathetic symptoms all his own. By turns blunt, cynical, yearning, delicate, wounding, Home Sickness is the work of a true original. As one queer writer to another, I salute an astonishing new talent."

──Will Aitken, Antigone Undone